Friday, February 6, 2015

The Terror from Outer Space, Game One

LXG have posted the first bat-rep in their campaign coverage of COUNTERBLAST. 

Here are Vicky's notes on the outcome of the game:

We are currently working on an errata and addendum to revise and clarify things for Counterblast overall, which will include some adjustments to troop stats as well as a readjusting of requisition points.  We apologize for any confusion so far. Please know we also plan to revise and update all of the free faction card files, and they will be available for free download in our web store when we get them completed. But to immediately address some of the issues and questions (in no particular order) seen in Game One of “The Terror from Outer Space”:

Robots are immune to Panic as per the Robot Special Rule, pg. 77. There is an example regarding this on pg. 29-30 under Panic Level examples.

GDF are Disciplined as per pg. 80 under the faction rules. Disciplined means a GDF model may roll an extra die on Leadership checks and discard the lowest result. Please see pg. 74. I don't know if that came into play or might have helped a situation during the game.

I noticed 2nd Class Elitist made use of the GDF’s Teamwork and Dependable gear advantages which are also under the faction rules. Go GDF! :)

Infiltrators may begin the game on Overwatch, please see pg. 75.  Concerning Overwatch (please see pg. 44), be aware that when a model declares an Overwatch attack, both models (the attacking model and the target model) make an Initiative check, Target 7. If the model on Overwatch scores successes equal to or greater than the target model, it may perform a ranged attack at once with its normal modifiers. Otherwise it receives minuses for each success less than the target model rolled. (For example, if it rolled one success and the target rolled three successes, it would make the attack at -2 in addition to its normal modifiers. Remember anything over half a ranged weapon's range is considered long range and incurs a -1.

I didn’t notice that you made the Initiative check when Overwatch came up, but I may have missed it. If you didn’t, that might have made a difference in whether the Security Bot was lost.

I would also suggest remembering to use those Order tokens! :) One use of Order tokens is to add a +1 modifier to ANY skill check being performed by ANY crew member. Please see page 53 for a complete list of how Order tokens may be used.

I didn’t really see anyone make use of Order tokens during the game, although Ali A. managed to steal one with her Eyespy!

The Edo Trapper should have Chameleon as well as a psi skill of 1+0, instead of no Psionic skill. It should also only have 1 body and 1 mind. Its requisition cost will change as well. This will be corrected in the errata, and we apologize for these errors.

I think 2nd Class Elitist wanted to know if you could leave combat? Yes, you can! Please check out Disengage pg. 35-36 for how.

Be aware that losing a leader increases Panic one more than his/her level. Not sure if this was done or not, and I don’t think it really would have made a difference with the Robot being immune to Panic. Something to keep in mind for the future though.

Remember Sticky Goo (pg. 77-78) can be removed with one success on an Initiative check, Target 5, taken as an Operational action during a model’s activation. Again, if you’re having trouble, remember those Order tokens! :)

The following is regarding the charging issue with the Psider and its Melee Reach.
Rules for Charge are on pg. 35

Regarding Melee weapons with range or Reach, that is, a melee weapon with a range value greater than zero:

We don't have a detailed description of Reach although it is mentioned under the Melee Weapons section on pg. 58, so we will elaborate on that to help clarify things. There is a definition of Engaged in the Game Terms section on pg. 252, "When two opposing models are in base-to-base contact they are said to be engaged". But as you've probably surmised, there is at least one exception to this and that is a melee weapon with Reach which allows you to engage an enemy not in base to base contact.

When charging, does the attacking model with melee ranged have to get in base to base contact?

When charging, yes. Due to the ferocious nature of charging, the attacking model is rushing forward to clash with the enemy, placing it in base to base contact (engaged) which will allow the defending model to counter. Please note that this allows other defending models within 1" to close the distance as a free action to engage the model as well. Please see the section regarding Charging, pg. 35. Many game systems grant an attacking model a bonus for charging, but penalize them, too, (usually their guard) as charging tends to be reckless.

That said, an attacking model CAN make a normal move within melee weapon range and attack, but that does NOT count as charging. This would represent a more controlled and cautious approach to an enemy. While it is true the attacking model won't receive the charging bonus to their attack roll, a defending model not equipped with a melee weapon with range will definitely be at a disadvantage, unable to counter until they can first move into base to base contact with their attacker.

Can unengaged models with melee weapon reach support combats they are not in BtB contact with?

Yes, they can, but a critical failure means they strike their ally. This is not detailed in the book and will be added as errata.

Is disengage necessary if fighting in melee from range? No, unless the model being moved away from has a weapon with the appropriate Reach to attack the disengaging model.

What melee range do pistols/rifles have? Pistols and rifles have a melee range of 0. You can certainly shove a pistol into an opponents ribs and fire. Rifles, due to their bigger size, are clumsier to use in melee and incur a -1 penalty when used in this manner. See the chart on pg. 59. We will add clarification on this as well.

Can a Melee ranged weapon be used in Run and Gun?

But maybe there should be a similar 'Slash and Dash' rule to allow such a cinematic action.

Slash and Dash (2 Actions)
Slash and Dash requires two actions and allows a model to perform a melee attack with a melee weapon with Reach at any point during a normal Movement action. Both of these actions must be used during the same activation. Because of the rushed nature, this ranged attack incurs a -1 modifier, and only one model may be targeted with this attack.

Some issues we are discovering baffle me as to why we didn’t catch them beforehand. I guess sometimes when you’re too close to something you can’t see the forest for the trees. It’s helped to step away from this and come back to it with fresh eyes (or at least rested ones) to try and make it better. Know we are very appreciative of the time and energy you all are putting into playing this game. We sincerely hope you are enjoying it, in spite of its flaws. Hopefully, we can get them corrected soon.

Take care, and game on!