Friday, July 19, 2013

Maelee Set Production Update 1

This has been a fantastic week! Lots of things have been finished up and sent out in the way of client work, clearing up my schedule to start packaging the rewards and prepping for GenCon.


As of today we have:
215 backers have returned their surveys
10 have not returned their surveys and of those
4 backers have collection alerts

For the two backers that pledged at the level for the painted sets, we will be sending the surveys out as we get closer to shipping those rewards. The estimated delivery on them is posted as November to give our painters plenty of time to complete the work.


Valiant has completed the metal casting for the Maelee Sets and out GenCon stock and will be shipping them to us next week along with about half the resin bases. We'll be getting the rest of the bases the following week or so.

All of the certificates have been signed and are being trimmed. All 300 of the set boxes have been labeled awaiting the parts.

All of our GenCon display materials have been delivered. After clearing a space to spread it all out next weekend, I hope to get some preliminary pics of the setup.


We have an initial page posted for Counterblast™, the cool new sci-fi game in development that we'll be running demos of at our GenCon booth. You can read about it here. Counterblast™ Adventure Battle Game.

I have updated the web store with two new items.

We now have the Bombshell Sculpting Kit available and are planning a workshop in September for Sculpt Jam 2.

See you all next week.

We appreciate your support!
~The Sculptdude