Saturday, February 23, 2013

Production Update 14


The two new sculpts that went to mold this week along with some leftovers from last time are Wu Ling Shu and Victoriana.

Wu Ling Shu



Thanks for the proofing on the spreadsheets. It is an odd thing because some of the cells have been changing formulas without being updated by me. So far the counts and weights have been accurate, it has something to do with the percentage formulas.


We have already sent out some of the backer rewards with Helen, some postcard sets and some t-shirt rewards. Unfortunately we just don't have the personnel power to notify everyone individually with an email to tell you we shipped your stuff. As of now, I believe, the only items that have gone out are a few things from the $1 RACK LEVEL, the $7 PRIMER LEVEL, the $20 CASING LEVEL and the $30 IGNITOR LEVEL. Since a lot of those still have Babes not yet made, we are not done with all those yet.


To give you an idea of what has been going on, here is a breakdown for this past Thursday:

5:15am Pack Sculpting kit and supplies, drive to Denton, TX
6:15am Arrive at Reaper factory for moldmaking
6:30am Gather moldmaking supplies and begin cutting pockets
11:45am Mold loaded into vulcanizer
12:00pm Lunch break
1:00pm Demold begins
2:00pm First test spins on the new mold
4:00pm pockets are filling at 100%
5:00pm Begin casting masters
7:00pm Departed factory for return home
7:30pm Arrived home and unpacked

Masters cast - 95% of what was needed to make production molds.

The rest of the days have been filled with sculpting from dark to dark.


Vicky and I have been the only one's casting the pieces with additional help at intervals from Martin, Brett and Brian (Inner Geek).

So far we have only been able to cast one day a week since early in January plus a couple of days last week, bringing our total casting production time to approximately six or seven days. With total mold spin of about five to six hours per day, I'm being pretty generous by saying that we've maybe spent around 42 total casting hours at this point. At 40% as it shows on the spreadsheet for that amount of time, with complete amateur casters, it should be pretty good.

We have created another self-imposed deadline to get the rest of stuff sculpted, molded and cast by the second weekend of March. This is padded to take into account many things in the schedule like added client work, tax preparation and mold-making delays.

Kevin got the Thulle sculpt to me this week and it is awesome! I will post pics of it once it has been molded since it has already been cut and keyed for production. The Rocket Bike masters arrived and I've started sculpting the rider which should go on the next mold. That only leaves Delzira, Luta & Shunkaha and the Atomic Punks creature to finish off all the rest of the Kickstarter sculpts.

See you next week!
The Sculptdude

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